VLS is comprised of three Divisions which are run by disparate subject matter experts (SME) with various core competencies. VLS Management oversees the mac ro management of each sector, but the sector’s management has its own dedicated team of SME leaders.
4C Forensics
Digital forensics is an innovative tool to fight crime. Using state of the art technology, analysts are able to forensically analyze electronic devices in order to solve crimes and establish strong evidence for law enforcement and the courts.
& Security
Everyone deserves truth.” VLS private investigations provide a wide array of certified investigative products and services. “The scales of justice are predicated on fairness. TRUTH is out there but it may take advanced, state of the art innovations to bring it into the light.
Health solutions are a key foundation of VLS mission. Solutions might come in the form of technology, wellness programs, or innovative delivery mechanisms. Patient safety is ALWAYS a focal point with VLS offerings as VLS seeks to transform the status quo “sick” care model with a paradigm of HEALTH care for all.